Paul Flora and Glorenza
Paul Flora moved to Innsbruck as a boy, but always retained a connection to his native town of Glorenza throughout his life. Here, he felt at home and close to his fellow-citizens. It was also his concern that the special atmosphere of Glorenza due to its medieval structures should be maintained and kept alive. Thus, Flora promoted the restoration of Glorenza and provided considerable support to its achievement.
Flora always acted decently, in an unassuming and non-bureaucratic manner. For example, he provided the furnishings of the future restoration headquarters from his own ressources.
As a caricaturist for important newspapers, he was a master of public relations and established important links with various European press and television stations, which then became aware of the town. He convinced Professor Achleitner from the University of Vienna to come to Glorenza with his students, who then surveyed all of the buildings in town and provided an inventory under affordable conditions.
Also in his later years, the local honorary citizen Paul Flora always lent a friendly ear to the issues of Upper Venosta Valley and Glorenza in particular. He participated generously in benefit events to help rebuild the village of Planol/Planeil after the huge fire disasters, readily adopted the honor guard at graduation balls, supported South Tyrolean students in Innsbruck and enriched the traditional Arcades Festival with his own stand under the Arcades of Glorenza. He exhibited his drawings in the local middle school and also helped to suggest and promote other art exhibitions in town.
Through his work he may have encountered important persons from the arts, economics and politics, but nonetheless Paul Flora appreciated living among ordinary people, and loved to walk through Glorenza and simply observe life in the town square.
The last honor that Paul Flora gave to his place of birth was his last wish to be buried here in Glorenza.